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  4. Release Notes
  5. Version 1.13

Version 1.13

  1. added support for MacOS (tested with Intel, Catalina, Py3.7 only)
  2. added support of H19 Karma XPU with MaterialX import of Aixterior and Megascans assets
  3. added support of Domelights, Arealights in LOPS-Context (HDRI, HDRI_LIGHT)
  4. added support of Shader Presets with Karma (add MaterialX shader networks as Subnet!)
  5. added ns_karma_pdg_shader_thumb.hda, ns_utils_obstacle.hda, ns_pbr_material.hda, ns_atlas.hda
  6. added support of textures with Karma; import as MaterialX loader
  7. added drag & dropping HDA-, Proxy-, Aixterior- and Megascans assets to the SceneViewer
  8. added drag & dropping for shader to the SceneViewer objects (OBJ-Context)
  9. added a option “Dont prompt for new HDA Definition” at the “Preferences” -tab for HDA/Aixterior/Megascans placing in the NetworkView or SceneViewer (it will always use the existing HDA definitions)
  10. added a option “Mouse Wheel Tick Rate” at the “Preferences” -tab for SceneViewer PythonState (asset placement and rotation)
  11. added ambientCG Online API integration for HDRI & PBR texture sets assets (Free asset library – Creative Commons CC0 1.0 – Support, https://www.patreon.com/ambientCG)
  12. added PolyHaven Online API integration for HDRI, PBR texture sets & models (Free asset library – Creative Commons CC0 1.0 – Support, https://www.patreon.com/polyhaven)
  13. added a Download Queue for Online API assets (HDRI, PBR texture sets, Atlas sets, models)
  14. added options for ambientCG HDRI & PBR texture set assets at the “Preferences” -tab
  15. added options “Set Sprite Shader for Redshift Materials in case a Opacity/Alpha Map exist” for Aixterior/Megascans assets at the “Preferences” -tab
  16. added options “Rescan input files for existing HDAs” for HDA`s at the “Preferences” -tab
  17. added “Model” -tab, context for Online API models
  18. changed some minor gui elements
  19. changed that the “hdri_lights” folder will now auto. parsed and created with the main library
  20. changed Aixterior/Megascans assets: if a opacity/alpha map exist the ogl_use_opacity/alpha will always set to TRUE
  21. fixed several wrong linked texture map switches in the auto. Mantra shader for Megascans assets
  22. fixed a wrong linked opacity parm in the ns_rs_auto_material.hda, ns_rs_auto_material_aces.hda
  23. fixed a wrong shader path evaluation
  24. fixed color chooser for additional libraries (aborting/exiting Dialog)
  25. fixed texture thumb/viewer respect alpha channels
  26. fixed not centering object in viewport for thumbnail generation (HDA/Proxy)
  27. fixed Aixterior/Megascans auto. Arnold Shader
  28. fixed replacing thumbnails for HDA/Proxy assets
  29. fixed wrong custom metadata list handling
  30. fixed versioning for HDA/Aixterior/Megascan assets
  31. fixed several minor & major bugs
MacOS support
Karma CPU/XPU with MaterialX support (Aixterior, Megascans, Textures, Shader presets)
MaterialX shader presets
Obj to SceneViewer with placing via PythonStates
Shader to SceneViewer/OBJ
API HDRI (ambientCG, PolyHaven)
API PBR materials (ambientCG, PolyHaven)
Model context / API models (PolyHaven)