Houdini AssetHandler

» What can you do with this Houdini tool ? «

Generate Houdini Assets (HDA) with thumbnails & copy external files. Define metadata for searching etc. Create versions from your assets and build variations.

Place assets directly in the SceneViewer or NetworkView. Context sensitive. Use PythonViewer states for placeing or replaceing.

Use local HDRI & HDRI Lights or load some from a free online API library. The API Queue let you directly add resources from ambientCG, Polyhaven & AMD MaterialX Library. Use it instantly for different Renderer.

Auto parsing Aixterior & Megascans assets. Use it with render-ready materials for different Renderer. Adding API models from Polyhaven with the API Queue. All with render-ready PBR-Materials for all supported Renderer.

Scatter Asset-Sets with custom HDAs. Build piles from sets with the PhysicPainter or stack them manually. Move and rotate them in the SceneViewer, switch through the instances and place them with plenty of options.

Adding textures and texture sets as PBR material/shader to the SceneViewer/NetworkView. Texture sets API support (Polyhaven/ambientCG/AMD MaterialX Library). Build shader presets with rendered thumbnails and organize them between folders.

Generate and place USD files from all kind of contexts to Solaris. Generate USD files from Megascans, Aixterior, Polyhaven Models assets.




Release 1.22.1

Main Features:

  • Drag & Drop HDA/Assets from Asset Handler to the NetworkView & SceneView
  • Drag & Drop USD files to Solaris
  • Drag & Drop Kitbashes/Meshes to SOP context (with thumbnail creation from .obj, .abc, .fbx, .bgeo, .usd files)
  • Drag & Drop Texture(s) (Sequences) files to COP context
  • Drop a SOP/OBJ states to Model/Kitbash context (.abc, .obj, .fbx, .bgeo)
  • Auto HDA & USD creation with thumbnails from any OBJ-Node/LOP
  • Store networks/setups as PythonCode (NoneHDA)
  • Auto HDA creation and placement for Aixterior and Megascans files; auto. shader/material: Mantra, Redshift, Arnold & Renderman, Karma (MaterialX), Octane
  • Custom metadata, searching in libraries & versioning HDAs
  • Auto proxy/archive deploying from any OBJ-Node (Redshift/Octane only)
  • HDRI/texture/texture-sets import and Quickviewer
  • Texture(s) handling, adding easy texture loader in MAT context: Mantra, Redshift, Arnold, Renderman, Karma (MaterialX), Octane
  • Shader presets & handling with thumbnail creation, dropping shader in MAT context: Mantra, Redshift, Arnold, Renderman, Karma (MaterialX), Octane
  • PBR texture-sets maps can added with one-click from Megascans/Aixterior/Polyhaven/ambientCG or own texture folder
  • PBR Layering/Painting HDA
  • USD Support for Aixterior/Megascans/Polyhaven Models & ambientCG Textures
  • Interactive scattering system via PythonStates and custom HDAs (incl. Rigid Body – pyhsically based)
  • Scattering/Distribution HDA`s, with simple Wire-Solver implemention for dynamic grass and plants
  • Asset API support for ambientCG, Polyhaven.com & AMD MaterialX Library; auto. PBR shader/material: Mantra, Redshift, Arnold & Renderman, Karma (MaterialX), Octane
  • API Queue
  • CodeHandler for storeing and accessing code snippets (VEX, Python)
  • SubstanceBridge to export Meshes to Substance Painter and -Designer and import baked Maps back to Houdini (Windows Only)
  • Multi Wheel RBD Simulator HDA, driveable with your XBOX Controller
  • Updates & Fixes (user feature requests will be implemented)
  • Discord: https://discord.gg/jHz5v2kPWS

Requirements & Support:

  • Houdini FX, Core, Indie or Apprentice
  • H19.5.x, H20.x, H20.5.x – Win/Linux/MacOS Intel+ARM
  • Redshift 3.x, Mantra, Arnold 5.x, Renderman 24.x & Karma (MaterialX), Octane 2022.1.x (Solaris 2022.1.2.x) or greater
  • Note: Linux (tested with Mint 19.x/20.x/21.x Cinnamon and Mint MATE)
  • Note: MacOS (testet with Intel/Monterey)

Python & HDA files are uncompiled & unlocked. Ready for own modifications.

Current Version 1.22.1

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