ns_Version is a python script that allows you to versioning your scene related data. That includes the XSI scene itself, renderpictures, captures & ICE caches. You can organize it with a bunch of subfolder possibilities which placed it in the common XSI scenefolder structure. There are also some handy tools/scripts included.
ns_Version v0.52:
-fixes MR Rendermap-Sequence function
NOTE: Needed installations/descriptions for PyQT http://github.com/caron/PyQtForSoftimage (for Arnold Calculator)
Install the ns_Version_v052.xsiaddon in your favourite workgroup.
ns_Version v0.51:
-added Fusion Exporter: setting Loader for Passes/AOVs, setting LUT for linear Workflow, setting Framerange/FPS/Resolution/Ratio
-added Update AOV (for some cases the tokens not setted)
-some bugfixes
NOTE: Needed installations/descriptions for PyQT http://github.com/caron/PyQtForSoftimage (for Arnold Calculator)
Install the ns_Version_v051.xsiaddon in your favourite workgroup.
ns_Version v0.50:
-added PyQT Arnold Calculator
NOTE: Needed installations/descriptions for PyQT http://github.com/caron/PyQtForSoftimage
Install the ns_Version_v050.xsiaddon in your favourite workgroup.
-added “Open Last/Session” function
-added custom “Filter Type” field for arnold make.tx (default-value: “-v –filter lanczos3 -oiio”)
Install the ns_Version_v049.xsiaddon in your favourite workgroup.