Redshift & Octane on Deadline via Husk Prt.2
Please check out the first part: Read to the lines where the scripts enhancements at the Deadline repository starts. Lets take your favourite renderer to USD land and skip the part of making *.rs or *.orbx archives and render standalone via Husk. Here is a small update on specific Python scripts to trigger specific
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Houdini Snippet Vol.16 – Rain & Droplet
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Houdini Snippet Vol.13 – Burning Paper
The main goal of this test was to ignite a fuel-field(paper) from a temperature emitting object(candle). I managed this with embedded fields. So i did this little paper-burn scenario, with a desintegration effect on top. For the desintegration effect i created two levels of clusters, which are released from the transfered heat field. The approach
Houdini Snippet Vol.12 – Texture Workflow
Here are some kind of ideas for simplifying the texture handling from Substance Painter to Houdini. Therefor i use the gallery preset system and create a little prototype of script to add all baked maps from Substance Painter, with one click. This snippet is a bit low-end but i guess usefull for other automatism, as