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Softimage ICE Compound to generate spiderweb-“like” strandforms (non-simulated). ns_SpiderWeb.xsicompound (rendered with Redshift) (rendered with Arnold)
ns_NurbsTo Wire compound is a solution to generate wire like structures (strands) from a nurbs object. ns_NurbsToWire.xsicompound (rendered with Arnold)
ns_Raygun shoots “rays” (strands) with controllable bounces from a given emitter geometry torwards a obstacle. Note: i recognized there is a issue if the environment-geo has no thickness and correct normals. ns_RayGun.2.0.xsicompound (Rendering done with Arnold) The Lizard-Scenefile for Softimage: RayGun_Lizard.scn (Rendering done with Redshift)