AssetHandler, Copernicus, Downloads, Houdini, Pipeline, Python, Solaris, Tools

PBR 5 Layer

» Paint Masks with this Houdini 20.5 HDA and blend PBR texture Sets «

This tool was mainly designed to work in conjunktion with the Houdini AssetHandler (here). You can apply any kind of PBR texture set. Whether it be from Megascans, Aixterior, ambientCG, PolyHaven etc.

Terrain creation with Megascans Surfaces (OpenGL)
Overview HDA UI

  • Each Layer has a seperat Triplanar Projection toggle
  • Color Correction for the Albedo/Color map
  • Transform and Hextile toggles and parms for each Layer
  • Mask features form other Layer or with a custom Attribute or -Map
  • Displacement preview that matches the Karma displacement
  • Link baked maps pathes or as “op:” command pathes to Quicksurface LOP


  • Painting in 2048×2048 Copernicus workspace is really smooth, higher resolution has sometimes signifikant slowdowns (RTX-3090). Painting in low-, render in highres works very well.
  • If five layers are not enough, render to disk and re-feed the output in another PBR_5_layer.hda
  • Textures and refreshing in KarmaXPU is only possible with workarounds. You have to switch to KarmaCPU and after a re-render of the PBR texture, the HDA try to delete present .rat files. When you switch back to KarmaXPU the textures should be updated. “Render>Updating Textures” from top dropdown leads to crashes.
  • I recognized very few OpenCL kernel erros when i use the OpenGL viewport (HOUDINI_VULKAN_VIEWER=0)
  • VULKAN viewport only support Diffuse OGL map tags


  • Screenspace painting over uv seams
  • Some kind of “stashing” for paint areas
  • From 5-Layer to a more procedural approach
  • Custom brushes/strokes
  • Own PythonState
  • More invoked operations/blocks


You can use it without the AssetHandler but you have to load every single map form the PBR sets by yourself. The HDA is unlockable, feel free to modificate.