
Deadline, Houdini, Python, Scripting

Houdini Snippet Vol.10 – ns_Cache

THE HERE PRESENTATED WEDGE STUFF IS DEPRECEATED SINCE SIDEFX LAUNCHED PDG/TOPS Today a Snippet/HDA im using every time. Handles all my caching stuff and working in conjunktion with ns_Version/ns_Pipe. Usage Demo with a simple particle setup: 00:00 – 03:10 Basics, caching on Deadline03:10 – 04:48 Take/Wedge system Some specs:

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Downloads, Python, Scripting, Softimage


A little Python/PyQT script that gathers & copy Texture(s) from your Softimage/XSI scene to a specific folder. some notes for ns_Gather Textures Version 0.1: -supports Sources in Materials, Sources in TextureMaps-Properties & Sources in Lightshader(Sources on Camerashaders, Volumeshaders, Environmentshader  & Rotoscopes will follow)-supports Texture Sequences with any kind of Padding-supports UDIM Sequences in .1001. Format (like

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Downloads, Python, Scripting, Softimage

ns_Version SI

ns_Version is a python script that allows you to versioning your scene related data. That includes the XSI scene itself, renderpictures, captures & ICE caches. You can organize it with a bunch of subfolder possibilities which placed it in the common XSI scenefolder structure. There are also some handy tools/scripts included.   ns_Version v0.52: Changes:-fixes

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Downloads, Nuke, Python, Scripting


Rendering from nuke-UI is ridiculous slow? Here a tiny script to trigger more threads. Select a specific “Write”-node and fire the script. The scripts starts commandline render-instances with splitted frameranges. Windows Only!

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